Just Remember to Breathe now available in seven languages

Hi friends,

I got word this week that the new Chinese translation of Just Remember to Breathe is available, bringing the number of languages this books is available in up to seven.  Seven languages!  It’s hard for me to believe!  I love the look of the Chinese language cover too.


English – Amazon Nook Kobo iBooks Google Audible

German – Thalia Hugendubel WorldBilt  | Amazon | iBooks | Google Play | Kobobooks

French – Amazon iBooks | Nook | Scribd | Fnac | Kobo | Hugendubel | Thalia

Spanish – Amazon | iBooks | Book House  | Google Play | Kobobooks

Portuguese – Amazon | iBooks | Kobo

Italian – Amazon | iBooks

Russian – Amazon | Bookmate

Chinese – Amazon.cn, Baidu, Duokan, Tencent, Netease, JingDong,  Amazon US


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