Release Day! Winter Flower is live

From the bestselling author of Just Remember to Breathe and The Last Hour, a shocking and poignant story of a family on the brink of destruction and the transformational events that could bring them back together—or tear them apart.

Every day, Cole Roberts reminds himself that life wasn’t always this bleak. He was once passionately in love with Erin. Sam used to be an artistic and lively kid. They hadn’t always lived in a shabby two-room house in rural Alabama, where he runs a mediocre restaurant in the middle of nowhere.

That was before Brenna disappeared. It was before Cole lost his job and they lost their home.

Every day it gets worse. Erin drinks wine out of the bottle and spends her days with a tormented expression, searching the web for signs of their daughter. Sam hides in his room and rarely speaks. And Cole works himself to a stupor for a paycheck a fraction of the size of his old salary. 

Until one day a phone call changes everything.

winter flower is at once a tragic tale of the disappearance of a child; struggling with gender identity; of the dark world of sex-trafficking and the transformation and healing of a family. Sheehan-Miles’s longest novel delves into the depths of family life—and how, sometimes, we can heal and find restoration.

Genre: Literary Fiction

Available Now:

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Preview Chapters


Chapter 1-1 Cole

Chapter 1-2 Sam

Chapter 2-1 Erin

Chapter 2-2 Sam

Chapter 3-1 Vanished. Erin

Chapter 3-2 Vanished. Sam

Chapter 3-3 Vanished. Cole

Chapter 4-1. Dreams. Sam.

Chapter 4-2. Dreams. Erin

Chapter 5-1. Cole.

Chapter 5-2. Erin

Chapter 5-3. Sam.

Chapter 5-4. Erin.

Chapter 5-5. Cole.

Chapter 6-1. Erin.

Chapter 7-1. Sam.

Chapter 7-2. Cole.

Chapter 8-1. Birthday. Cole.

Chapter 8-2. Birthday. Sam.

Chapter 8-3. Birthday. Erin

Chapter 9-1. Erin

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