Girl of Lies is released

girl-of-lies-smallHey there! Today is the big day: Girl of Lies is out! I need your help, and I also want to invite you to join our online virtual party to win prizes, signed copies and more!

If you haven’t heard about it, Girl of Lies is the first title in the spinoff series about the Thompson Sisters. It’s being described by readers on Goodreads (some of you) like this:


“I couldn’t put it down!”

“5 resounding, heart-pounding, action-packed, web of lies stars!”

Here’s the thing. The next 48 hours will determine if this book lives or dies. If it gets momentum to ride up the charts or if it disappears into obscurity. And that is up to you.

Ten days ago I emailed my mailing list and gave more than 200 people free advance copies of the book. If you are one of those people, please post a review at the book links below today. Tell your friends what you thought about it, post about it on Facebook or on Twitter.

If you haven’t read it yet, please considering buying your copy today! The book only costs $3.99, which isn’t much more than a cup of coffee.

Here’s the links:

Barnes & Noble:


I’ll close with an invitation. Tomorrow, all day, is the virtual release party for Girl of Lies, and you are invited. Stop by at some point and join the party and you’ll be able to win a variety of prizes, including signed paperbacks or hardcovers, free ebooks and more!

Thanks again. I can’t underscore enough how critical the next 48 hours are for the success (or failure) of the book. Can you help hit this one out of the park?

Thanks so much!


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