Guest Post today at Stella Ex-Libris
Just a heads up that I’ve got a guest post today over at the fantastic book blogger Stella Ex-Libris! The topic: why do so few men write romantic novels? Along with the guest post, we’re…
Author of The Thompson Sisters and America's Future series
Just a heads up that I’ve got a guest post today over at the fantastic book blogger Stella Ex-Libris! The topic: why do so few men write romantic novels? Along with the guest post, we’re…
The blog tour for Just Remember to Breathe starts today! Over the next month, I’ll be dropping in at a number of different websites to plug the book, hand out drinks, do interviews, and mingle.…
Posting this to say a HUGE thank you to Adriane over at the Indie Bookshelf, who reviewed Just Remember to Breathe on Saturday. For those of you who don’t hang out there, the Indie Bookshelf…
This is quite possibly the best book I’ve read in 2012. Here’s the synopsis from Goodreads: I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants or shapeshifters, no…
I haven’t been posting much lately. That’s because I’ve been insanely busy, both with another move (to Bethesda, MD), a new job, and the release of two novels, Insurgent (coming October 15) and Just Remember…
It’s about me (Alex) Previous Chapters/Contents When the alarm on my phone went off at 5:45 am, I quickly rolled over in bed and silenced it. I didn’t want to disturb the rest of my…
My daughter Amirah just wrote her first real story. She’s twelve, so it is what it is, but I did ask her if I could share it on the blog. Very proud of her! Army…
What Happens Next? (Dylan) Previous Chapters/Contents “So what happens next?” I asked. Ben Cross, my lawyer, said, “Well, we go in there. The DA will tell the judge they’re dropping the charges and why. Then…
One can always hope (Alex) Previous Chapters/Contents Somehow we made it to the house without me completely falling apart. Jessica handed me the phone, silently, and I wiped my call history on the spot. But…
Mistakes happen (Dylan) Previous Chapters/Contents I was sitting in my room, writing, when the knock on the door came. I was in limbo: going to trial for aggravated assault in a few weeks, unsure where…