Poem: Nickel Mines
A one room schoolhouse
Fields of grain
Soft sounds of rural life
Creaking of leather straps and wagon wheels
Manure and hickory smoke
The wind blows metallic terror
as a truck backs up into a nightmare
a man
torn by
“I’m trying to find something”
he says to disarm
then he brings out the guns
The clatter of rounds in the chamber
A threat revealed
Some escape
Some are let go
adults with babies, and all the boys
hot with fear and sweat
but the girls are kept in quivering terror
zip ties cut into the flesh
trembling faith stretched thin by evil
Some real or imagined offense
far in the man’s past
brings murder to Nickel Mines
take me first, says one girl, that the others may live
a second girl asks for the same
One shot, two, three, then four, Five and six,
Eight, Nine,
Acrid smoke fills the room
Naomi and Lena. Mary Liz and Anna Mae. Marion
all dead.
Did the killer believe in Jesus and
if so, was he whisked straight to heaven
How do you get justice when someone kills themselves after murdering children
When it was all over
the families sought out the wife and children of the killer
and touched them
offered help
for the families, how is it that the first thing they did
copyright 2015 Charles Sheehan-Miles