Audiobook Releases
Did you know that most of the Thompson Sisters novels are available and audio, and the remaining are currently in production? Did you know that you can get one of these books for free at by signing up for a free 30-day trial? Follow the links below to check it out and claim your free copy!
A Song for Julia
Sample Audio: Purchase: Narrated by Jack Wallen and Alana Rader |
Falling StarsIn Production Now Narrated by Jack Wallen and Alana Rader |
Just Remember to BreatheListen to Chapter One: Narrated by Nick Vennekotter and Emily Eldridge
The Last HourSample: Narrated by Jack Wallen and Alana Rader |
Book 1: Girl of LiesNarrated by Doug Lee |
Book 2: Girl of RageSample Audio: Narrated by Doug Lee |
Book 3: Girl of VengeanceIn production Narrated by Doug Lee |