Insurgent (Episode 2) is now available

Insurgent (Episode 2) is now available! I wanted to extend my thanks to the beta readers who helped me out in making it a better story!  I’m busy finishing up episode 3 right now, expect it to go live sometime in early May.

Barnes & Noble hasn’t gone live yet, but in the meantime, you can pick it up at Amazon or Smashwords.

Amazon Kindle (2.99)

Smashwords (2.99)

Update: It’s up on now


  1. Enigma_Cypher

    I just finished reading episode 2. The story is really starting to come into focus. Also I thought that the final version was a marked improvement over the rough draft. I am one of your beta readers and will post a more in depth review later today when I get home from work. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading it.

  2. Digital Wrangler

    Which site gives you the most back (either in visibility or cash, whichever you prefer) so that my purchases have the most benefit for you?

  3. John Brace

    Just read Insurgent episode 2 and look forward to the next one. Is there any way to sign up for a email notification when episode 3 is available from Amazon?

    Tks John Brace

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