Speaking at American University
These days it’s impossible to find anyone who supported invading Iraq, but back in 2003 it was a wildly popular idea. This clip is from a conference at American University where I talked about opposition…
Author of The Thompson Sisters and America's Future series
These days it’s impossible to find anyone who supported invading Iraq, but back in 2003 it was a wildly popular idea. This clip is from a conference at American University where I talked about opposition…
Purchase links: Kindle | Nook | iBooks | Google Play | Kobo | Smashwords | Chapters | Thalia The explosion to our front throws me against the back of the hatch, pain shooting up my side.…
“I’ll tell you the truth, Sheriff. We charged across Iraq and killed everything in our goddamn path, we left a trail of burning vehicles and broken bodies hundreds of miles long. If it moved, then…
What does it feel like to kill? For some reason, that question’s been on my mind a lot lately. With Chris going off into the Marine Corps later this year, it came up at my…
10:00 Mental Health and Military Service in Iraq A new study shows more than one in three members of the U.S. armed forces serving in Iraq seeks help for mental health problems. We talk about the…
Iraq as a nation sits on a razor’s edge. On one side is a reasonably stable society, with power sharing among its people and a better future for all Iraqis. On the other side is a major sectarian war, ethnic cleansing in the many mixed communities in Iraq, with possible dissolution as a state or a return to totalitarian regime. And, as much as we opposed the war, now the one thing preventing Iraq from falling on the wrong side of that line is U.S. and coalition troops, and newly deploying Iraqi police and military units.…
CNN WOLF BLITZER REPORTS Civilians Working for U.S. Military Gunned Down in Kuwait; Skiers Killed in Avalanche in British Columbia Aired January 21, 2003 – 17:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY…
Twelve years ago, at roughly two a.m. local time on January 17, I was ready to go off guard duty when the call came down from the command post: wake up the platoon leaders ASAP.…
In a surprisingly rosy cost estimate of something which can’t be accurately estimated, the Congressional Budget Office Monday released an analysis of what Gulf War II might cost in real dollars paid by U.S. taxpayers.…
Yes, it’s true. After years of crying out that Saddam (that monster) won’t let inspectors in Iraq, now that the he is, the U.S. wont let them go. President Bush says he wants to “Give…