Audiobook Releases
Did you know that most of the Thompson Sisters novels are available and audio, and the remaining are currently in production? Did you know that you can get one of these books for free at by signing…
Author of The Thompson Sisters and America's Future series
Did you know that most of the Thompson Sisters novels are available and audio, and the remaining are currently in production? Did you know that you can get one of these books for free at by signing…
Some people think he’s a bit of a cold fish. Richard Thompson, the patriarch of the Thompson clan. A renowned diplomat who served in locations as far flung as Pakistan, Belgium, Indonesia. He was ambassador…
It’s here! The final book in the Thompson Sisters saga released on September 15, 2014. A little more than a week ago, Andrea Thompson returned to the United States, unknowingly setting off a chain of…
New Books News about Girl of Vengeance, Andrea Randall’s latest novel, new audiobooks and more. Roland clears his throat. “She said that she couldn’t have a baby with an alcoholic, sex-addicted man. She said…
Hier ein weiterer Vorgeschmack auf Ein Song für Julia Erscheinungstermin: 31. August 2014 Amazon | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo | Smashwords ***** Ich weiß nicht, was ich mir dabei gedacht habe. Außer, dass der Kommentar des Bassisten, ich wäre nicht Cranks…
El camino al infierno esta empedrado de buenas intenciones Andrea sat up, studying him. Then she said, “Don’t do us any favors.” “I truly wish I hadn’t hurt you so terribly badly.” “El camino al…
Hier ein weiterer Vorgeschmack auf Ein Song für Julia Erscheinungstermin: 31. August 2014 Amazon | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo | Smashwords ***** Am Montag war es bei der Arbeit echt schrecklich. Zunächst einmal…
Kapitel 1 Vorstadtprinzessin (Crank) 26. Oktober 2002 Vielleicht liegt es an mir. Aber ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass ein Mädchen, das sich in der Mitte der größten Antikriegsdemonstration seit dem Vietnamkrieg befand, so einen herrlich…
The following is an unedited preview of my upcoming novel Rachel’s Peril, the first novel in the Rachel’s Peril Trilogy. For more information about the book and more chapters, please check out the Rachel’s Peril page! Not sure where to begin?…
The following is an unedited preview of my upcoming novel Rachel’s Peril, the first novel in the Rachel’s Peril Trilogy. For more information about the book and more chapters, please check out the Rachel’s Peril page! Not sure where to begin?…