Girl of Vengeance – The conclusion of the saga of the Thompson Sisters

El camino al infierno esta empedrado de buenas intenciones

Andrea sat up, studying him. Then she said, “Don’t do us any favors.”

“I truly wish I hadn’t hurt you so terribly badly.”

El camino al infierno esta empedrado de buenas intenciones,” Andrea muttered. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Available for Pre-Order Now

Hi folks!

I’m writing to give you a heads up: the third and final book of Rachel’s Peril will be released September 15th and pre-orders are available now on almost all eBook platforms.

What is Rachel’s Peril?

For those of you who haven’t read it, Rachel’s Peril begins with Girl of Lies and continues the story of the Thompson Sisters beginning about nine months after the end of The Last Hour.

Find out what happened to Carrie and her sisters after the accident. What happened to Dylan Paris? Will Crank and Julia lose in their battle with the IRS? And most of all, what is the real story of Adelina and Richard?

All the secrets will be opened up and questions answered in the final book of the Rachel’s Peril trilogy. You can pre-order your copy today–the book releases September 25th.

The Thompson Sisters

A Song for Julia (free):

Amazon Nook Kobo iBooks Google Audible

Falling Stars:

Amazon Nook Kobo iBooks Google

Just Remember to Breathe:

Amazon Nook Kobo iBooks Google Audible

The Last Hour:

Amazon Nook Kobo iBooks Google Audible

Rachel’s Peril

Girl of Lies: 

Amazon Nook Kobo iBooks Google

Girl of Rage:

Amazon Nook Kobo iBooks Google

Girl of Vengeance (Pre-order): 

Amazon Kobo iBooks Google

The Thompson Sisters and all my other books are also available at most other ebook retailers, including:ScribdOysterSmashwordsThaliaHugendubel

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