Republic on sale

REPUBLICx400This is just a heads up that for the next several days, Republic (my second novel) will be on sale for only 99 cents. New cover and I’ve made some interior text changes, including fixing some typos and grammar issues and other minor internal improvements. If you haven’t read the America’s Future series, this is where to start 

I know some fans of the Thompson Sisters have avoided this series. But give it a chance. I think you’ll find the emotional connection there 

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  1. Richard Evans

    Any idea of when “Fractured” will be released? Loved the first two – “Republic” and “Insurgent.” Great characters and plot.

  2. Terry G

    Same question. I read book one and two of this series in the last 2 weeks and anxiously await the release of the third chapter.

  3. Charles

    I’m hoping to have it out early Spring 2015. Working on it now 🙂

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