Beta readers wanted!

Hi folks,

So, it’s that time again.  The final draft of Insurgent is off to the editor (which may take quite some time) and the serialized episodes are all online. Episode 5 should be available within 24 hours on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.

I have another project in the pipeline, and I’m looking for a few beta readers. As a beta reader, what you’ll be doing is simple: you’ll get a preview, second draft of my new novel.  I’ll be asking for specific, detailed feedback.  What didn’t ring true? What worked for you? What didn’t?  Are there things that don’t make sense?  Did you fall asleep a third of the way through, and now you aren’t coming back?

This one is a little unusual for my writing, in that there are no explosions or dead bodies. At least not during the timeline of the story. The short description: wounded Afghanistan veteran encounters his ex-girlfriend in college, and hostility ensues.  In other words, it’s a contemporary romance.

The longer blurb is below. If you’d like to participate and be a beta reader, you can post here, or on my facebook page, or drop me an email. I’ll be getting the group together within the next week or so. Thanks so much!

Longer blurb:

Alex Thompson’s life is following the script. A pre-law student at Columbia University, she’s focused on her grades, her life and her future. The last thing she needs is to reconnect with the boy who broke her heart.

Dylan Paris comes home from Afghanistan severely injured and knows that the one thing he cannot do is drag Alex into the mess he’s made of his life.

When Dylan and Alex are assigned to the same work study program and are forced to work side by side, they have to make new ground rules to keep from killing each other.

Only problem is, they keep breaking the rules.

The first rule is to never, ever talk about how they fell in love.



    • Charles Sheehan-Miles

      Basically it’s a small email group, folks send in their feedback on the book via the group. Sometimes there’s some discussion around specific points, since everyone is seeing everyone else’s feedback. It’s very very helpful.

      • Jackie Trippier Holt

        I like that idea and I’d like to help above and beyond my initial thoughts, count me in.

  1. susan collins

    Sign me up please!!

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