J.L. Bryan’s Dominion
About a year ago Amazon’s “people who also bought this book” recommended Dominion by J.L. Bryan to me as a book commonly bought by people who also bought Republic. I finally picked up the Kindle…
Author of The Thompson Sisters and America's Future series
About a year ago Amazon’s “people who also bought this book” recommended Dominion by J.L. Bryan to me as a book commonly bought by people who also bought Republic. I finally picked up the Kindle…
1998 Mandy Mays accepted her diploma from the Principal, and smiled so wide her cheeks hurt. Her eyes darted to the audience and met Joe’s eyes and felt a shiver of pleasure go down her…
Just a note on some awesome new reviews of Republic: “I cared for a lot of the characters and none had a happy ending with so much death around them. the book was well written…
So here’s what happened. Way back in January 2008, I hit a brainstorm. My thought at the time was: I’m a really obscure writer, with what I think is a great idea for a book. Can’t…
Just posting a quick update: new review of Republic up at LibraryThing
Chapter One May 24 Kenny Murphy, Jr. waved goodbye and turned to go into the school building. The faint lines at the corners of Ken Murphy’s eyes crinkled just a little as he watched…
Milestone of sorts. Insurgent is now 60,000 words. Long way to go still, but the bulk of the story is written. Definitely on track to finish before I die of old age.
Good news here, Republic is now available from the Apple iBookstore. Check it out here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/republic-a-novel-americas/id424103386?mt=11&ls=1
Amazon: Paperback | Kindle Edition Barnes & Noble: Paperback | Nook Smashwords (Any ebook format) Chapter Seventeen September 12 The rain rattled against the canvas roof of Karen Greenfield’s HUMMWV like popcorn, loud enough that she couldn’t…
Just a quick update. For the Nook readers out there, Republic is now available on the Nook!