Episodes and Beta Readers

Okay, so it’s finally time.

Over the course of the next few months, starting in late November, I’ll be releasing Insurgent as six short episodic ebooks. Once the final episode is released, will be going to print with the dead tree version of the book, as well as a consolidated ebook.

I’m excited to finally be moving forward!

That said, I’m looking for a small group of volunteers as beta readers.

What you get as a beta reader:

First, my thanks, both personally, and in the acknowledgements in the book.

Second, the beta readers who participate will get a limited edition hardcover of Insurgent. I’ll only be printing 20 or so hardcovers, and one will go to you.

What does a beta reader do?

In short, you read the unfinished episodes as I prepare them for release. And you give me the unvarnished truth: what page were you on when you put it down?  At what point did it put you to sleep? What sentence made you want to vomit because it was so badly written?

Beta readers will participate in a small and temporary google email group, and basically what I’m looking to do is crowdsource the process of making it a better book. I really need a small group of people who can really participate and give me the bad news before it goes out to the general public.

Interested?  Please drop me an email or comment here. I plan to post the first episode (roughly 80 pages) to the beta reader group in about a week.

  1. DMMc

    I would be honored to be included

  2. Sgbreuer2

    I would love to be a Beta reader, please include me. I will gladly give whatever feedback you would like.

  3. BSuddery

    I’d love to participate in your Beta release analysis. I could give you a British feedback on your work.

  4. JimBellofBelmont

    I’ve been looking out for action on Insurgent for some time.
    I got this update from Linkedin news ( http://au.linkedin.com/in/jimbellofbelmont )
    I’d love to help. Simply contact via Linkedin if I can.
    Cheers Jim Bell
    PS … you did a good job of foretelling the OCCUPY movement!

  5. Tmasson


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  6. Charles Sheehan-Miles

    Thank you for the interest in participating! Just sent out invites to a google group we can use temporarily to discuss!

  7. Deuce_The_Two_Cats

    I would very much like and be proud to be involved as a beta reader. I will also go to the googlegroup.

  8. Maint1a37

    I would love to be a beta reader. I enjoy your books so much.

  9. Mike Slone

    If there’s still room, I’d be delighted to help. I will head to the google group right now.

  10. Karen Meyer

    I am interested in being a beta reader. I posted this on your Facebook page as well. Republic is becoming more relevant as each day passes, I am curious how it plays out in your next release. I am happy to give you any feedback you would like; and I have read episodic releases before so I can wait for the next one.

    • Charles Sheehan-Miles

      Hi Karen, I’m going to send you an invite to the google group where we are discussing the book, thanks for being interested in being a beta reader!

  11. Tricia Webster

    if your still looking for someone to help out please let me know as i would be very interested in helping. i just finished listening to Republic and it is a fantastic book and its also a little scary as to how close it comes to the reality of what is going on in the USA and the world at this moment, again, great book and if u still need help just let me know. one last thing…i wanted to also thank u for taking the time to write these books and then put them in audio format for free, it is very much appreciated.

  12. Arvella Gatlin

    I am finishing Republic as an audiobook. Would love to be a beta reader of Insurgent for you!! I’m not a grammar guru but am a life-long dedicated reader and frequently have to groan at the poorly written material that often makes it into print these days. I have also experienced the loss of a child and can relate to those issues if they continue into Insurgent. Sometimes people just don’t understand that special depth of emotion and how it changes one. I see that you have a lot of volunteers so if you have plans for an audio version I will beta test that for you as well.

    Arvella Gatlin

  13. D Luttrell 85

    I would love an opportunity to be a beta reader for any future books. I just finished the first book ,Republic, and I loved it! Going to start the next book right now.

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