New formats available

Just a quick update. I probably won’t be posting any new chapters of Insurgent for a little while. Not because I’m not writing (I am), but because I’m making progress so quickly that it’s a disorganized mess. I’m in the stage of first drafting that its flying along, and getting chapters posted here is simply too much of a distraction, given the need to have it organized and at least somewhat edited before I get it online.

I did want to share the news that Republic and Prayer at Rumayla are available in some new formats, thanks to You can now get both books in epub, LRF, mobi, and a variety of other formats. Smashwords distributes to Sony, Kobo and the Apple iBookstore, so both books should soon also be available there.

You can check them out here:

The Kindle edition on Amazon is currently discounted to $2.99. That’s because, due to Amazon’s migration from Mobipocket to their Kindle Direct Publishing platform, Republic lost all its sales links to other books as well as categorization, which meant sales PLUMMETED. Depressing, but hopefully soon fixed. If you have a Kindle (or an iPhone or Android phone) you can pick it up cheap right now: Republic Kindle Edition.

I’ll post more news soon. Big news, about the possibility of Republic ending up on the big screen. Can’t talk details yet, but lets just say I’m insanely excited.

One Comment
  1. Steve Crane

    Cool, a movie version of Republic would be great.

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